Posts by Newsmaker

Africa’s Renewable Energy Set to Soar by 2022

Africa’s Renewable Energy Set to Soar by 2022

Strong demand is set to give a huge boost to renewable energy growth in sub-Saharan Africa over the next five...

IMF: Angola in ‘Mild Recovery,’ But Macroeconomic Challenges Remain

IMF: Angola in ‘Mild Recovery,’ But Macroeconomic Challenges Remain

The Angolan economy is set to grow 1.1 percent this year as sub-Saharan Africa’s third-largest economy enjoys a mild recovery,...

Electric Trucks Emerging But Still Have a Long Haul

Electric Trucks Emerging But Still Have a Long Haul

Electric trucks are having a moment in the spotlight, but they won’t replace diesel-powered trucks in big numbers until they...

Vietnam’s Largest IT Company Touts Free Trade for Growth

Vietnam’s Largest IT Company Touts Free Trade for Growth

Eleven countries meeting at the APEC summit in Da Nang agreed Saturday to seek a trans-pacific free trade agreement, despite...

Report: Crack Down on Internet Freedoms Continues to Undermine Democracy

Report: Crack Down on Internet Freedoms Continues to Undermine Democracy

U.S. intelligence agencies say that Russia meddled in the 2016 presidential election in part through online propaganda. But a new...

To Improve Trust in Its Elections, Somaliland Goes High-tech

To Improve Trust in Its Elections, Somaliland Goes High-tech

Last week, Somalilanders went to the polls in a historic presidential election. Officials employed advanced iris-scanning technology to identify voters...

Mexico to Respond to Tough US Proposals at Fifth NAFTA Round

Mexico to Respond to Tough US Proposals at Fifth NAFTA Round

Mexico will respond to U.S. demands for changes in content rules for autos and an automatic expiration clause in the...

Global Insurance Partnership Beefed Up to Protect Poor from Climate Risks

Global Insurance Partnership Beefed Up to Protect Poor from Climate Risks

Germany on Tuesday pledged $125 million to boost the work of an international insurance partnership that aims to cover 400...

Urban Farming Technologies Crop Up in Homes, Restaurants

Urban Farming Technologies Crop Up in Homes, Restaurants

How do you obtain the freshest, locally grown produce in a big city? For an increasing number of urbanites, the...

Study: Internet Freedom Worsens in Pakistan

Study: Internet Freedom Worsens in Pakistan

A new independent study places Pakistan among the top four countries, including Brazil, Mexico and Syria, where people have been...

Countries Crack Down on Speech Online, Says Report

Countries Crack Down on Speech Online, Says Report

Around the world, Internet freedom is deteriorating, with some governments taking down their mobile Internet service, restricting live video streaming...

Silicon Valley Blasts US Senate Proposal to Tax Startup Options

Silicon Valley Blasts US Senate Proposal to Tax Startup Options

A proposal by the U.S. Senate to change the way shares in startup companies are taxed incited panic and dread...

Shrinking GE Rattles Investors, Shares Hit 5-year Low

Shrinking GE Rattles Investors, Shares Hit 5-year Low

General Electric’s new Chief Executive John Flannery on Monday outlined steps that will turn the biggest U.S. industrial conglomerate into...

Google Broadens Takedown of Extremist YouTube Videos

Google Broadens Takedown of Extremist YouTube Videos

Alphabet’s Google in the last few months has begun removing from YouTube extremist videos that do not depict violence or...

Mexico Readying Economic Response if US Exits NAFTA

Mexico Readying Economic Response if US Exits NAFTA

Mexico’s government is preparing a macroeconomic response in case U.S. President Donald Trump makes good on threats to quit the...

Bipartisan Analysis: Senate Bill Would Hike Taxes for 13.8 Million

Bipartisan Analysis: Senate Bill Would Hike Taxes for 13.8 Million

Promoted as needed relief for the middle class, the Senate Republican tax overhaul would increase taxes for some 13.8 million...

EU Approves Sanctions, Arms Embargo Against Venezuela

EU Approves Sanctions, Arms Embargo Against Venezuela

The European Union has approved economic sanctions, including an arms embargo on Venezuela. EU foreign ministers meeting in Brussels announced...

Modern Technology Packs, Flies, Delivers Online Purchases

Modern Technology Packs, Flies, Delivers Online Purchases

Flying drones are nothing new in the skies, but online retailers have been investing in them as a way to...

Poor Regions of Uganda Feeling the Heat of Climate Change

Poor Regions of Uganda Feeling the Heat of Climate Change

While climate change is being discussed this week in Germany, it’s being felt by farmers and ranchers around the world....

Venezuela Sets Foreign Debt Meeting for Monday Afternoon

Venezuela Sets Foreign Debt Meeting for Monday Afternoon

Venezuela’s foreign debt renegotiation committee will meet with creditors at 2 p.m. (1800 GMT) on Monday at the government’s “White...

Emirates Airlines Orders 40 Boeing 787s in $15B Deal

Emirates Airlines Orders 40 Boeing 787s in $15B Deal

Emirates Airlines agreed to buy 40 Boeing 787-10s in a deal worth more than $15 billion. The purchase was announced...

West Virginia Mine Sites Touted for Agriculture Potential

West Virginia Mine Sites Touted for Agriculture Potential

West Virginia could produce profitable niche crops grown on reclaimed mine sites. At least that’s what Nathan Hall, president of...