Posts by Newsmaker

Official Criticizes London’s Move to Take Uber’s License

Official Criticizes London’s Move to Take Uber’s License

A British government minister has criticized the London authorities for deciding to strip Uber of its taxi license, a major...

US Tech Companies Under Scrutiny in White House Russia Probe

US Tech Companies Under Scrutiny in White House Russia Probe

Inside a converted port terminal, thousands of tech entrepreneurs gathered this week to pitch their ideas at TechCrunch Disrupt, an...

London to End Uber Ride Hailing App Over ‘Security Implications’

London to End Uber Ride Hailing App Over ‘Security Implications’

Transport officials in London say they will not renew Uber’s license to operate in the city due to “a lack...

Solar Boom or Bust? Companies Seek Tariffs on Solar Imports

Solar Boom or Bust? Companies Seek Tariffs on Solar Imports

Cheap solar panels imported from China and other countries have led to a boom in the U.S. solar industry, where...

Tech Under Scrutiny in Russian Investigation

Tech Under Scrutiny in Russian Investigation

The tech industry pitches itself as a force for good, connecting the world and helping information flow freely. But Silicon...

Mercedes-Benz to Invest $1 Billion in US Electric Car Plant 

Mercedes-Benz to Invest $1 Billion in US Electric Car Plant 

German carmaker Mercedes-Benz has announced plans to invest $1 billion to start making electric vehicles at its manufacturing plant in...

Next Round of NAFTA Talks Take on Thornier Issues

Next Round of NAFTA Talks Take on Thornier Issues

The United States will present new proposals and begin to weigh into thornier issues of the North American Free Trade...

Rohingya Crisis Dents Myanmar Hopes of Western Investment Boom

Rohingya Crisis Dents Myanmar Hopes of Western Investment Boom

When officials from Myanmar’s commercial capital Yangon toured six European countries in June, they were hoping to drum up investment...

Iraqis Track Abandoned Homes With Digital Tools

Iraqis Track Abandoned Homes With Digital Tools

In camps across northern Iraq, people forced from their homes by Islamic State militants are using their phones to track...

Facebook to Release Russia Ads, Beef Up Election ‘Integrity’

Facebook to Release Russia Ads, Beef Up Election ‘Integrity’

Facebook is slowly acknowledging the outsized — if unintended 0151— role it played in the 2016 U.S. presidential elections.  ...

Review: iTunes Video Upgrade Makes New Apple TV Worth It

Review: iTunes Video Upgrade Makes New Apple TV Worth It

It might seem odd to review the new Apple TV streaming device — one specifically designed to display super-sharp video...

Standard & Poor’s Cuts China Credit Rating, Citing Debt

Standard & Poor’s Cuts China Credit Rating, Citing Debt

The Standard & Poor’s rating agency cut China’s credit rating Thursday due to its rising debts, highlighting challenges faced by...

Global Leaders See Globalization as Challenged, Not Failing

Global Leaders See Globalization as Challenged, Not Failing

On the sidelines of the United Nations General Assembly in New York on Wednesday, business and political leaders around the...

Passive Polygraph Takes Lie Detection into 21st Century

Passive Polygraph Takes Lie Detection into 21st Century

A ‘passive polygraph,’ developed by SilvertLogic Labs in Seattle, Washington, is a high-tech version of the lie-detector test. Faith Lapidus...

Google Bets Big on Hardware With HTC Buy

Google Bets Big on Hardware With HTC Buy

Google is biting off a big piece of device manufacturer HTC for $1.1 billion to expand its efforts to build...

Nevada Lab: Quake-resistant Bridge Design Tests Well

Nevada Lab: Quake-resistant Bridge Design Tests Well

Scientists at a Nevada earthquake lab Wednesday tested new bridge designs with connectors they say are innovative and created to...

Review: Apple Watch Goes Solo, But Don’t Dump Your Phone Yet

Review: Apple Watch Goes Solo, But Don’t Dump Your Phone Yet

A chief gripe with Apple Watch is that it requires you to keep an iPhone with you for most tasks....

Security Firm Links Iranian Hackers to Malware Attacks

Security Firm Links Iranian Hackers to Malware Attacks

A private U.S.-based security firm is linking an Iranian government-sponsored hacking group to cyber-attacks targeted at organizations across the world....

Epidemic at Work?: Businesses Forced to Deal With Drug Abuse

Epidemic at Work?: Businesses Forced to Deal With Drug Abuse

After a troubled youth himself, Phillip Cohen made it a practice to hire people at his woodworking business who have...

Alexa, What Do You See? Amazon Said to Be Working on Glasses

Alexa, What Do You See? Amazon Said to Be Working on Glasses

Amazon is attempting to develop glasses that pair with Alexa and would allow users to access the voice-activated assistant outside...

China Announces Trade Secrets Crackdown to Assure Investors

China Announces Trade Secrets Crackdown to Assure Investors

China has announced a crackdown on violations of patents and trade secrets in an effort to mollify foreign companies ahead...

Moody’s: Egypt Economy Still Recovering From 2011 Uprising

Moody’s: Egypt Economy Still Recovering From 2011 Uprising

Egypt’s economy has started to improve but has yet to recover from the country’s 2011 uprising and the years of...